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California Law Revision Commission

-- Last revised 8/20/15 --

Search for Staff Memoranda

This page provides access to a searchable database of all memoranda prepared by the Commission's staff. Memoranda prepared in 1997 or later can be downloaded in PDF format. Memoranda that are not available for download can be ordered.

This database is updated after each Commission meeting. To download memos for a pending meeting, go to the agenda for that meeting.

Search for:

Search in which fields?
     Memo Number (e.g., "2003-01")
     Study Number (e.g., "B-400", see list of study numbers)
     Memo Title (any word or phrase that might appear in title)

With what type of matching?
     Exact phrase (This will find an exact phrase in the database)
     Any words (This will find any of the words)
     All the words (This will find all the words in any order)

Common Search Methods:

  1. To find a specific memo and its supplements: Search for the exact memo number (e.g. "2004-20") in the memo number field.

  2. To find all memos prepared in a given year: Search for the year (e.g., "2004") in the memo number field.

  3. To find all memos prepared as part of a specific study: Search for the full study number (e.g., "B-400") in the study number field.

  4. To find all memos prepared as part of a set of related studies: Search for the part of the study number that the studies have in common. For example, the general topic of common interest development law is addressed in Studies H-850, H-851, H-852, and H-853. You can find all memos prepared under those studies by searching for "H-85" in the study number field.

  5. To find memos on a particular topic when you do not know the relevant study numbers: Search for relevant terms in the memo title field (e.g., "statutory will").